Home additions or extensions? Make sure you abide by your council rules!
We completely get it, you have this amazing idea to turn an average slice of suburbia into your dream home and you can’t wait to get started. Before you get too carried away however,...
Do I need an architect or draftsman for my home renovation?
You’re sitting on the couch with a cuppa and observing your living room. You’re feeling pretty comfortable with everything around you, except the nagging feeling that the house needs a...
5 great minimal design ideas for home renovations
The philosophy behind minimalist architecture is about achieving simplicity in form, space, materials and colour. Minimal homes are pared down and restrained to create a sense of purity as an...
Great architectural design trends to look for in 2019
The New Year is here and like always, there’s bound to be plenty of design trends to jump on board, inspiring you to hop into your next renovation or construction project eagerly. From...
Draftsman vs Architect: what’s the difference?
When you're planning to update or build a new home, you'll probably have some basic ideas about what you want to see in your renovation or extension designs. Unless you're a qualified home designer,...
How home renovators are using architects to bring their ideas to life.
Renovations or additions/extensions to an existing home often leverage the skills of a professional architect in the design stage. Having a qualified expert on hand to ensure that the new plans you...